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Hotline Certification:

Unify OpenScape Contact Center REST SDK Interface for Technology Partners (OCCSDK0SVP)

Brief Description

The Unify OpenScape Contact Center JSON REST SDK is a Jave Script Object Notation (JSON) REST interface that exposes Unify OpenScape Contact Center functionality to custom applications through a set of interfaces so that developers can create a fully integrated desktop application featuring voice, e-mail, callback, and Web collaboration functionality. The SDK provides application developers with the tools they will need to build applications that integrate with the Unify OpenScape Contact Center system and can be used with any language that properly implements COM, including Visual Basic and Visual C++.


  • Concepts and teminology used by Unify OpenScape Contat Center
  • About the Unify OpenScapec Contact CenterJSON REST SDK framework
  • Admin commands
  • Admin events
  • Presence commands
  • Routing commands
  • Routing events
  • Telephony commands
  • Telephony events
  • Other commands
  • Other events


  • Enabling developers in using the OSCC JSON REST SDK


  • Expert knowledge of Unify OpenScape Contact Center


  • If your company is a member in the Unify SDK Partner Program, please contact your responsible Unify Partner Manager regarding any discount as part of this membership via


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Target Group

  • Application programmers


  • 4.00 hours


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Certification Program


Web-based training