Mitel OpenScape Xpert for Administrators (OXPADM1SCS)
Brief Description
The course OXPADM1SCS for system administrators is the foundation for the product Mitel OpenScape Xpert V8.
System Overview Hard- and Software V8
Basic information of system components (Mitel OpenScape 4000/ Mitel OpenScape Voice/Server/MLC)
Features of Mitel OpenScape Xpert V8
Operate terminal devices
Operate the system manager
Practical exercises with the system manager
The participant is familiar with:
the system design of V8
basic information of system components (Mitel OpenScape 4000/ Mitel OpenScape Voice/Server/MLC)
the OptiClient Trading and Mitel OpenStage Xpert turrets
features and differences between Mitel OpenScape Xpert V8
the system documentation
The participant can:
operate the system manager
operate terminal devices
train terminal device users
backup and restore
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