Unify OpenScape Voice Advanced 1 for Service (OSVADV1SCS)
Brief Description
This course is an advanced Unify OpenScape Voice course for System Spezialists, which are responsible to configure a system customer specific/individual still following the Standard. It contains the Security functions and Certificate procedures, the Call Admission Control and further specific System/Subscriber functions and the mass data provisioning.
Dates and Details
Waiting List |
Routing (Advanced)
- Rate Area
- Class of Service
- Time Destinations
- Code Index
- Code Processing
- Restrict PSTN Calls (Toll & Call Restriction)
- Class of Service Switchover
Emergency Call Routing (E911)
- Routing via local Gateways
- Routing via SIP Carrier to different Destinations
- Callback Service for non DID Subscribers
Bandwidth Management (Call Admission Control)
- BW Usage for Voice, Fax and Video Calls
- Activating BW Management / Define Locations
- Apply Restriction of BW and/or Number of Calls
- Apply Codec Restrictions
- Exclude Subscribers from Codec Restriction
- Alarms on specific BW usage
- BW Monitoring
- Digest Authentication
- Overview
- Configure DA for Subscribers
- Configure DA for Endpoints
- Trusted EP’s
- Force DA system wide
- Signaling / Payload Encryption
- TLS and SRTP Overview
- Certificates Overview
- Create Certificate Requests / Self Signed Certificates
- Configure TLS in OSV and Phones
- Enable Payload Encryption
- Troubleshooting
Mass Provisioning
- Mass Provisioning Interface Overview
- File Format
- Commands
- Export existing Configuration
Writing an Mass Provisioning Script to
- Create Office Code / Home DN
- Create Business Group
- Create Numbering Plan
- Create Subscribers
Import Data into the Unify OpenScape Voice
The participant
- knows the Unify OpenScape Voice in an advanced level
- is able to configure an advanced routing with additional options and restrictions
- is able to configure the Call Admission Control functionality
- is able to set up an Emergency Routing (E.911)
- is able to export, modify or duplicate mandatory subscriber data and import it
- is able to set up advanced system and subscriber features
- is able to activate TLS/SRTP
Course Unify OpenScape Solution Advanced 1 for Service (SOLADV1SCS)
Course Unify OpenScape Solution DLS for Service (SOLDLS1SCS)
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This course is related to the following curricula: