Hotline Academy:
Hotline Certification:

Atos Unify OpenScape Contact Center Reports (OCCREPORTS)

Brief Description

This instructor led webinar course contains Report Analysis information for OpenScape Contact Center V7, V8 and V9.


  • This instructor led webinar course will be delivered in 4 to 5 hour session for 2 consecutive days.
  • This course is designed to provide an understanding of the Report Center in the OpenScape Contact Center V9 Manager application.
  • This course will explain the benefits of the Reports as a tool to better manage the Contact Center and provide an explanation of the fields on the report templates.


  • At the completion of this course, the student will be able to complete the following tasks:
  • Describe the effect of configuration changes on the OpenScape Contact Center.
  • Define Terms associated with OpenScape Contact Center.
  • Request Historical, Real-time, Cumulative and Activity Reports from OpenScape Contact Center Manager using report templates.
  • Select data for Custom Reports using Manager Application of OpenScape Contact Center.
  • Describe the data for managing a contact center that can be found on the OpenScape Contact Center


  • It is recommended but NOT required that the student have attended one of the following courses:
  • HPPC70MAN -OpenScape Contact Center V7.0 R3 and HiPath ProCenter 7.0 Manager with Skills or Group Based Routing.
  • OSCCADMIN - OpenScape Contact Center V7.0 R3 /V8 Manager -SVU or
  • OCCADMIN - OpenScape Contact Center Manager Administration
  • The student should also be familiar with their company Service Obectives and Routing Strategy and Queue Processing Workflows


  • Prior to attending this instructor led webinar course you may be required to download and print the Student Guide.
  • Students attending this course should have access to the OpenScape Contact Center V9 Manager Application for completing instructor guided exercises.
  • This course applies to V7, V8 and V9 customers.


You have questions about this course? We would like to help you.

Target Group

  • This course is recommended for Contact Center Managers, Supervisors and OpenScape Contact Center Designers


  • 2.00 days


This course is related to the following curricula:


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Certification Program


Web-based training