Unify OpenScape Voice Maintenance for Service (OSVMAINSCS)
Brief Description
In brief, certain guideline about troubleshooting an Unify OSV system. The training provides knowledge about Unify OpenScape Voice maintenance activities including Linux Operating System administration as well as Unify OpenScape Voice components, specific Tools, Logging, Tracing, Alarming, Backup Restore and Software Management.
User Management and Remote Access Linux OS
- Checklist Maintenance activities
- Linux accounts and remote access
- Linux specific commands for Unify OpenScape Voice
Unify OpenScape Voice - Architecture
- Database and internal structure
- Cluster architecture and failover
- File systems
- Internal network
- IP configuration changes
- CMP Users, Alarms and Monitoring
CLI tools and usage
Tracing & Troubleshooting in OSV
- Capture packets with common trace applications
- Real-Time-Tracing (RTT) and Tracemanager
- Troubleshooting
- Obfuscate tracefiles
OSV Logs and analysis
- different log files
- logs and use-cases
SNMP based Alarming (mib-1 and mib-2)
- Principle of SNMP alarming in OSV
- Activate alarming
- test alarming
Backup/Restore and Update/Upgrade positions
- Introduction system partitioning
- Backup and Restore
- Software repositories
- Patching, Upgrade and tools
At the completion of this course the student will be able to:
- use the standard tools for administration of the Unify OpenScape Voice Server
- explain the Unify OpenScape Voice internal structures
- handle different logging and tracing of the Unify OpenScape Voice Server
- deal with backup and restore
- install software updates and knows the ways of upgrades
- take different traces on network and application level
Linux basic knowledge
Unify OpenScape Voice course(s) (SOLADM1SCS min. expectation, further recommended: SOLADV1SCS, OSVADV1SCS and OSVINSTSCS)
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This course is related to the following curricula: