Hotline Academy:
Hotline Certification:

Unify OpenScape UC Application Expert (OSAEXPESCS)

Brief Description

This course is an extended service training with the aim to be able to install and configure the HAProxy Server and Media Server for WebRTC as well as Microsoft Azure Apps for for Unify OpenScape UC client access.

Dates and Details

Date Location Price Guarant. Event Lang. Seats avail. Cart
Oct 7, 2024 - Oct 11, 2024
10:00 - 15:30 W. Europe Daylight Time (GMT+02:00)
DEU  Virtual Classroom  Online/SVU
Please login to display your price
$ 3,682.20
LCP 68
Event is not guaranteed
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  • Media Server WebRTC support for Unify OpenScape Voice and Unify OpenScape 4000
  • Installation of the required packages
  • WebRTC server configuration for intranet and internet usage
  • Installation of HAProxy
  • Configuration to provide access for UC WebClient, WebRTC and OSMO Pro support
  • HAProxy hardening
  • Certificate (TLS/MTLS) repülacement and certificate revocation list usage
  • OSMO Pro support for Unify OpenScape Voice and Unify OpenScape 4000
  • SBC configuration
  • Unify OpenScape Voice and Unify OpenScape 4000 configuration
  • Usage of the OSMO Client in the following operating modes: UC Mode, Voice Mode and Combined Mode
  • UC Pushy installation and configuration - Push Notification for chat messages
  • OpenScape UC Integration in MS Teams
  • UC MS Teams App Installation
  • Installation and configuration of the UC Graph Connector
  • UC WebClient - MS Teams Presence sync in case of "Busy, in a call"
  • Diagnoses and Troubleshooting
  • Practical exercises


  • The participant
  • is able to install and configure all Media Server WebRTC components,
  • is able to install and configure the HAProxy for different scenarious,
  • is able to install and configure all conponents to support OSMO Pro,
  • is able to install and configure the UC Graph Connector,
  • is able to configure the access UC WebClient to private Outlook 365 contacts


  • Unify OpenScape UC Application Advanced für Service (OSAADVSSCS)


  • Hinweise.


You have questions about this course? We would like to help you.

Target Group

  • Service


  • 5.00 days


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Certification Program


Web-based training