Hotline Academy:
Hotline Certification:

Program - Things you should know

Mandatory step for first time visitors

Registration for the Unify Academy website: You are required for a "myTraining"-account to enable access to the training courses and request your Candidate ID.

Getting started

Returning visitors

Access via Unify Partner Portal: If you have made the login through the Unify Partner Portal with Single Sign On (SSO) you must not log-in a second time at the Unify Academy website.

Existing certificates
Existing certificates remain valid until they expire. This refers to SOCA, SOCP, UCCA and UCCP certificates.
The period of validity of a Unify certificate is 2 years.
Three months before certificate expiration we will send you a personalized reminder via Email.
Training Methods
The Academy offers a wealth of training via Classroom, Self Paced WBT (Web-based Training) as well as Online-Live.
We'll provide you with the right training curriculum that corresponds to your specialization and helps your staff gain certification quickly.


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Contact information

You can request general information about the certification program under: